Praxedo receives ISO 27001 certification for securing information systems
The days when software was physically installed on a company’s servers are behind us. Today, the cloud predominates and the Software as a Service (SaaS) model has been widely adopted. SaaS solutions, such as the one Praxedo offers, are easily accessible through a subscription by simply entering access codes on a website. SaaS is more flexible and offers more advantages than legacy options, and has become very successful as a result.
However, to offer a SaaS model, a number of crucial IT factors must be taken into account.
The first is the increase in cyberattacks, such as ransomware and hacking, that are affecting more and more of businesses of all sizes, and in all industries.
The second, which follows the first, is customers’ increasing security requirements. They want to ensure their data isn’t stolen due to lack of vigilance by their service providers and suppliers.
Data security is an essential requirement for SaaS solutions
Every company must carefully consider the security of the valuable data to entrust to software providers, as well as their compliance with new data protection standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Today, every organization evaluating SaaS solution providers must ensure the provider they select has implemented procedures and standards that protect the data entrusted to them.
This is why Praxedo chose to be certified to the ISO 27001 standard.
What is the ISO 27001 standard?
The ISO 27001 standard was originally published in October 2005 and revised in 2013. It defines the requirements for implementing an information security management system (ISMS), and is aimed at all types of organizations, from commercial enterprises to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government departments.
The ISMS identifies security measures that guarantee protection of an organization’s assets within a set of defined parameters. The goal is to protect functions and information from loss, theft or alteration, and computer systems from intrusion and IT disasters. This protection increases the confidence of stakeholders such as customers and partners.
How did Praxedo obtain ISO 27001 certification?
Deploying Praxedo’s information security management system took a full two years, followed by a stringent certification audit by Bureau Veritas.
Praxedo implemented a very detailed Information Systems Security policy to meet all the challenges in this area.
The company’s efforts involved all of its departments and employees, as well as its service providers and external suppliers. The procedures put in place leave no blind spot or overlooked area.
Praxedo received ISO 27001 certification on April 7, 2021. All the company’s customers and partners now have formal assurance their data will be protected at a level that is at the forefront of current standards.