Elevator Enthusiasts Unite! Highlights from CECA 2021 Mini Conference.
As new members of the Canadian Elevator Contractors Association (CECA), Praxedo was thrilled to have the opportunity to network with other elevator professionals and attend its first conference post COVID.
The CECA Mini Conference in Huntsville, Ontario, Canada was a great place to return to a sense of normalcy and interact with and support the elevator industry in-person.
It was exciting to rub elbows with elevator contractors and suppliers across North America and get their views on the industry as a whole and its operational challenges. It was particularly interesting to hear from them personally, how their day-to-day struggles have grown since the start of the pandemic and the pain points they are trying to eliminate.
We had a lot to talk about however detailed discussions were had on the following key areas:
- How their dispatchers need visibility over field personnel to be able to do their jobs more efficiently. They realize the benefit of being able to see the big picture in real-time and view organizational elements such as resource availability, technician skill sets and locations to update schedules, optimize routes and schedule recurrent work orders as required.
- How using multiple information and accounting systems can become problematic without the right field service management software to integrate to. Ideally, they’d like to keep their existing systems and avoid rip-and-replace. They want to integrate a “best of breed” work order management software to whatever third-party solution they’re using, and not have to invest in a new one altogether.
- How paper processes are dated and slowing them down. Many people we met spoke about how they’re re-evaluating their internal processes and are aware of the issues they could be eliminating if they took a more digital approach – reduced productivity, lost or illegible documentation, longer invoicing times, the list goes on.
We participated in CECA 2021 to show our Field Service Management solution for elevator maintenance and repair. In using our software, elevator companies can modernize business processes and drive new levels of productivity for their mechanics in the field.
If you attended the event, we thank you for stopping by our booth to say hi! We truly enjoyed meeting you and we can’t wait for the next one.
If you’d like to hear our elevator pitch once again (*wink, wink), contact us at 1-833-PRAXEDO or on praxedo.com.